A card from Takayuki via Postcrossing. JP-282520.
The postcards are sometimes only one way to travel through the world and see all these beautiful known and unknown places. Here is my postcard's journey...
Йошкaр-Ола, Республика Марий Эл, Россия
Столица Республики Марий Эл , основан в 1584 году.
Йошкар «красный», Ола «город» «Красный Город», устар. Чарла, Цар-ола..
Современная Йошкар-Ола — крупный многоотраслевой промышленный,культурный
и научный центр республики, является одним из центров культурыфинно-угорских народов.
Панорама Ленинского проспекта.
Открытка от Елены.
Открытка от Елены.
Bergun, Switzerland
The engine "Krokodil" Ge 6/6 no. 407 located in Railway Station in Bergun, Switzerland.
From Helen, CH-112769
Пермь, Россия
Воды замечательного города Перми: Театр оперы и Балета им. Чайковского; Библиотека им. Пушкина; Художественная галерея; Краеведческий музей.
От Полины ( Appolinaria) в рамках Multiview RR, группа 213.
Mt. Hood, Oregon, USA
Fresch snow on majestic Mt. Hood reflects the warm glow of the setting sun.
From FlagGazer via All About Nature RR gr. C18.
Москва, Россия
Улица Арбат в Москве. Помятник Булату Окуджаве из 2002 года.
Открытка в рамках Postcross.ru от Тании.
Syracuse, New York, USA
Scenic views of the campus of Syracuse University in Syracuse in New York State.
From HeatherC via Multiviews RR gr 213.
Mont Blanc, France
The Mountains Massive of Mont- Blanc in France.
From Laurielijulien via All About Nature RR gr. C18.
Mountain Hood, Oregon, USA
Moonlight dances on Lost Lake beneath majestic Mt. Hood.
From Jschwab via RR North America, gr. 293.
Ohio, USA
The next very interesting map of Ohio. I have found on a card that its name is derived from an Iroquois Indian world meaning " Beautiful Place".
From Debbie-Silencedogwood via RR North America, grouo 293.
Western Stagecoach, Arizona, USA
Before the railroad era, a Concord Coach was the best form of transportation in the West. Until the early 1900's staged carried mail, passengers and baggage to small towns, settlements and remote mining districts. At an exasperating 5 miles per hour, travelers tolerated soaring heat, freezing cold, mud, dust, sometimes all in the same day.
Photo: 1894, Arizona Historical Society.
Photo: 1894, Arizona Historical Society.
From Marian via Postcrossing.com, US-1709220
Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine
Glass Ball on the Festival Quay.
Katerynoslavsk alley. Bosfor shopping and business centre.
Both cards from Denis.
Kyffhäuser, Thuringia, Germany
The Kyffhäuser is a range of hills located on the border of Thuringia with Saxony-Anhalt. It stands on the southern edge of the Harz. The range has a length of 19 kilometres and a width of 7 kilometres. It reaches its highest point at the Kulpenberg (473.4 metres ), situated in Thuringia. The Kyffhäuser has significance in German traditional mythology as the resting place of Emperior Frederick Barbarossa, who drowned on June 10, 1190 in the Gosku River during the 3rd Crusade.
Based on: Wikipedia-07.06.2012
Based on: Wikipedia-07.06.2012
A card from DDR times from Dirk.