From Hootnoodle via North America RR group 398.
The postcards are sometimes only one way to travel through the world and see all these beautiful known and unknown places. Here is my postcard's journey...
Washington, DC, USA
The Washington State Capitol, a classic Greek design capitol group consisting of five buildings. North of the landmark legslative building is the Temple of Justice. The Insurance Building is the east; the Public Lands Building is to siuthwest. The red brick building to the west is the Governor's mansion.
Seoul, South Korea
Pyeonghwa Park- the space represents the entire World Cup park. It memories the World Cup and symbolizes the global unity and peace that makes it a place of harmonic meeting and nature.
From Ye-Jin via Postcrossing, KR-56197
Windsor, England, UK
Windsor Castle and The River Thames. Home of Her Majesty Queen Elisabeth II and His Royal Highness Prince Philip The Duke of Edinburgh. Windsor Castle was built by William the Cinqueror in 1070. King George V decided in 1917 thet the "House of Windsor" to be the Royal Family's dynastic name.
From Mary via Postcrossing GB-396723
Washington, District of Columbia, USA
Union Station in Washington was opened in 1907 and completed in 1908. It is cinsidered to be one of the examples of the Beaux-Arts style of architecture. Union Station is most visited destination in the nation's Capital with over 32 milions visitors a year.
From Linda- goldie7 via North America RR gr. 391.
Lwów, Ukraina
Dość nietypowa pocztówka ze Lwowa..
A dzisiaj Dzień Świstaka :)
A dzisiaj Dzień Świstaka :)
Kartka od Julii w ramach PC- UA-460731
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
The replica of the Santa Maria was cnstuctd in Vancouver. The 16 pieces arrived in Edmonton where they were reassembled in the lake of Deep Sea Adventure.
From Deanna via North America RR gr. 374
New Hampshire, USA
New Hampshire- "The Granite State", 9th from original 13 states.
From Erin-Emotisvia North America RR gr. 386