Card from Janette
The postcards are sometimes only one way to travel through the world and see all these beautiful known and unknown places. Here is my postcard's journey...
Williamsburg, Virginia, USA
Williamsburg founded in 1632 was served as capital of colonial Virginia from 1699 to 1780 and was a center of political events in Virginia leading to Amerivan Revolution. The town has 88 original 18th century structures along with numerous houses, shops and public outbuildings reconstructed on their original foundations.
Chevrolet Corvete, USA
Widely condisered America's Sports Car the rear drive. two door two passenger Chevrolet Corvette the mst popular sports car in history.
Card from Pam via RR North America gr. 1240
Nottingham, England, Great Britain
The Statue of Robin Hood.
Robin Hood, the famous outlaw of Sherwood Forest, has been immoralised here in the form of a bronzr statue. The statue, sculpted in 1952 by James Woodford can be seen standing on the eastern boundary surrownding Notingham Castle.
Robin Hood, the famous outlaw of Sherwood Forest, has been immoralised here in the form of a bronzr statue. The statue, sculpted in 1952 by James Woodford can be seen standing on the eastern boundary surrownding Notingham Castle.
Card from Scott, England