

 Yami people at the outlying island of Taiwan on tao boats.

Card from Chang via Postcrossing TW-3096072

Jesienne pozdrowienia z Holandii

 Jesienne pozdrowienia z Holandii

Kartka od Marian w ramac Postcrowssing NL-4836320

Wuppertal, Nadrenia Północna-Westfalia

 Muzeum transportu miejskiego w Wuppertalu

Kartka od Geert w ramach postcrossingu NL-4831670

Mt. Fuji, Japan

 Mount Fuji 3776 m in Japan

Card from Lye via Postcrossing JP-1471079

Debeli Rtic, Slovenia

 Slovenian coast in debeli Rtic

Card from Natasa


Ludwigsburg, Badenia-Witembergia, Niemcy

 Zamek w Ludwigsburgu

Kartka od Sylwii w ramach RR germany gr. 699

Oatman, Arizona, USA

 Oatman in Arizona

Card from Luke, Arizona

Erlangen, Bavaria, Germany

 Old town of Erlangen in winter.

Card from Elisa via RR Germany gr. 689

Swallowtail, New Brunswick, Canada

The Swallowtail Lighthouse is a Canadian lighthouse located on Grand Manan Island in the Bay of Fundy. It was the first lighthouse to be built on the island. It was first lit on 7 July 1860 and was automated and de-staffed in 1986.

Source: Wikipedia 23.01.2021

Card from VC via RR North America gr. 1274

Zschopau, Saxony, Germany

Castles of Zschopau in Saxony

Card from Doris


Furong Town, China

 Beautiful Furong Town in Xingsi Autonomms Prefecture Hunan Provonce

Card from Edwin, China

Qiliping Town, China

 Qiliping Town in Hubei Province in China

Card from Edwin, China

Nordhorn, Lower Saxony, Germany

 Beautiful Nordhorn in Lower Saxony

Card from Gisa via Postcrossing DE-9957121

Vetschau-Spreewald, Brandenburg, Germany

 Views of Vetschau-Sprevald (Serbian: Wětošow/Błota, Polish: Wietoszów)

Card from Jeanette via Postcrossing DE-9969152

Halle, Saxony-Anhalt, Germany

 Main railway Station in Halle

Card from Susanne via Postcrossing DE-9967513


Kilchum Castle, Scotland, Great Britain

 Kilchurn Castle is a ruined structure on a rocky peninsula at the northeastern end of Loch Awe, in Argyll and Bute, Scotland. It was first constructed in the mid-15th century as the base of the Campbells of Glenorchy, who extended both the castle and their territory in the area over the next 150 years. After the Campbells became Earls of Breadalbane and moved to Taymouth Castle, Kilchurn fell out of use and was in ruins by 1770. It is now in the care of Historic Environment Scotland and is open to the public in summer.

Source: Wikipedia 13.01.2021

Card from Sabine via Tag UK and Irekand

Suzhou City, China

 Tower in Suzhou City, China

Card from Edwin

Moguncja, Nadrenia Palatynat, Niemcy

 Tysiącletnia katedra w Moguncji

Kartka od Sylvii w ramach RR Germany gr. 700

Frankfurt nad Menem, Hesja, Niemcy

 Pozdrowienia z Frankfurtu nad Menem

Kartka od Karin w ramach Postcrossing DE-9957480


Castle Kost, Czechia

 Hrad Kost in Czechia 

Card from Jan 

Cotswold, England, Great Britain

 Specific villages in region Cotswold, England

Card from Karen

Chevrolet Corvette, USA

 Chevrolet Crvette USA 

Card from Minetts vis Postcrossing US-7103787

Hawaii, USA

 Exotic view from Hawaii

Card from Sandra via Tag Poland Postcrossing

Magdeburg, Saxony-Anhalt, Germany

 Magdeburg-Nord, card from GDR times

Card from Manfred


Trabant, Niemcy

 Kultowy samochód z NRD

Kartka z Niemiec w ramach Postcrossing DE-9764397