
Osnabruck, Lower Saxony, Germany

Saint Peter Cathedral in Osnabruck in Lower Saxony

Card from Pasażerka

San Jose, Califormia, USA

Sights of Jan Jose in California

Card from Loraine via Postcrossing US-6376576

Wartburg Melkus RS 1000

Melkus RS 1000 to sportowy samochód osobowy produkowany przez wschodnioniemieckie przedsiębiorstwo Melkus z Drezna w latach 1969–1979 na bazie wartburga.
Nowe modele Melkusa sa produkowane do obecnej chwili.

Kartka od Kariny w ramach Postcrossing, DE-8715689


Brandenburg an der Havel, Brandenburg, Germany

Vievs of Brandenburg (Branibórz)

Card from Marika via Postcrossing DE=8711832

Washington, D.C. USA

The Old Post Office Pavilion and Clock Tower was built in 1892-99 

Card from Olga

London, England, Great Britain

Queen Elizabeth Tower , re-named in June 2012 at the Palace of Westminster with The London Eye. The clock became operational on 31st May 1959 and is the most famous od clocks in the world. Big Ben is the name given to the "Great Bell". The London Eye is an observation wheel on the South Bank of the River Thames.

Card from Kayle via Postcrossing, GB-1189728


Merry Christmas!

Let everything go from the Christmas Day for the better, to give you all the strength and the will, 
to make your life be full of happiness and dreams. 
Merry Christmas!

From Natasza, Slovenia

From Scott, England


Budapest, Hungary

Capital of Hungary - Budapest

Postcard fromDora via RR Views gr. 16

Long Beach island, New Jersey, USA

The island is 19 miles long. It is known for its excellent bathing beach and sailing also boating on Barnegat Bay.

Postcard from Danielle

Isle of wight, Anglia, Wielka Brytania

Isle of Wight – wyspa należąca do archipelagu Wysp Brytyjskich, oddzielona od brytyjskiego wybrzeża cieśniną Solent. Kształtem przypomina romb o wymiarach 26 na 39 kilometrów i powierzchni 384 km². Główne miasta wyspy to Ryde, Cowes oraz Newport.

Kartka od Karen



Erfurt, Turyngia, Niemcy

Cytadela Petersburg w Etfurcie. To jedyna w dużej mierze zachowana barokowa miejska forteca Europy Środkowej, na  terenie wcześniejszego klasztoru benedyktynów, pochodzi z czasów władzy Elektoratu Moguncji w Erfurcie i jest odzwierciedleniem europejskiej sztuki budowy twierdz. Tajemnicze korytarze twierdzy można zwiedzać z przewodnikiem.
Żródło: erfutt-tourismus.de 06.12.2019

Kartka od Marion w ramach Postcrossing.com DE-8717380

Osnabruck, Lower Saxony, Germany

Views of Osnabruck

Card from Charmain via Postcrossing DE-8718086

Bremen, Germany

Bird's-eye view of Hanseatic town Bremen

Card from Bernd via Postcrossing DE-8715690


Louisiana, USA

The sun dissapears and a quiet peace settlers across the Louisiana cypress swamp

Card from Danielle, Louisiana

Belfort, Alsace, France

The magical Belfort in Alsace

Card from Camtorse via RR Views gr. 16

St. Kilda, Australia

View of St. Kilda Pier and harbour

Card from carolyn via Postcrossing AU-692968

Pasau, Bavaria, Germany

Some views from Bavarian Passau (Pasawa in Polish)

Card from Uwe via RR Views gr. 16

Missoula, Montana, USA

It is my first card from Montana! Town Missoula. With its signature brindlings of the "M" on Mt. Sentinel and the "L" on Mt. Jumbo and the visible from miles away, also a target destination for hikers in this active outdoor community.

Card from Anni via RR North America gr.1211