The Tower Bridge in London
Card from Oleksandr
The postcards are sometimes only one way to travel through the world and see all these beautiful known and unknown places. Here is my postcard's journey...
The Abbey Church of Saint Peter and Saint Paul, commonly known as Bath Abbey is a parish church of the Church of England and former Benedictine monastery in Bath, Somerset, England.
Card from Karen
Florida is the perfect vacation hot-spot. Well known for its long sandy-white beaches , crystal -clear tropical waters, endless warmth and sunshine , and some of the most beautiful sunrise and sunsets.
Card from Jaque via RR North America gr 1289
Reprint of vintage Large Letter city greetings from 1930's-40's
Dallas in Texas
Card from Loarni via RR North America gr. 1289
Wonderful wishes from my friends!
Merry Christmas 2022
Cards from Scott, England
Card from Matt, Germany
Bennington Battle Monument
The Battle of Bennington was a battle of the American Revolutionary War, part of the Saratoga campaign, that took place on August 16, 1777, on a farm owned by John Green in Walloomsac, New York, about 10 miles (16 km) from its namesake, Bennington, Vermont.
Pies o imieniu Patron pomagający Armii Ukrainy w tropieniu min zostawianych przez rosyjskich okupantów i bandytów na terenie Ukrainy.
Dog called Patron who helps the Ukrainian Army in tracking mines left by Russian occupiers and bandits in Ukraine
Spreewald- Błota, Łużyce Dolne.
Spreewald to unikatowy przykład nizinnego krajobrazu rzeczno-dolinowego. Jest on efektem ostatniego zlodowacenia, które poszarpało rzekę Szprewę na wiele drobniejszych nurtów i strumieni ciągnących się w sumie przez 970 km. Między licznymi odnogami rzeki znajdują się pola uprawne. Na niektóre z nich można dostać się wyłącznie przy pomocy łodzi. W 1991 Spreewald został uznany za rezerwat biosfery UNESCO.
Kartka od Christiana
Coverred Village Bridge, Warren A. Queenpost bridge built in 1880 spand the beautiful Mad River
Card from Kristin via RR North America gr. 1355